A circa-'68 view of the west end of the West Plaza. A 1957-vintage "J.C. Penney Company" store is seen, along with a trusty TG & Y.
Photo from http://www.flickr.com / White Chipmunk's Photostream / Atkinson Heritage Center

Let's date this image to around 1978. Obviously, the "J.C. Penney Company" store seen above has been updated with a new (Helvetica-font) "JCPenney" nameplate.
Photo from http://www.flickr.com / White Chipmunk's Photostream / Atkinson Heritage Center

A 1980s view of the West Plaza. The shopping hub is now known as DOWNTOWN TINKER PLAZA. Conrad-Marr Drug is still in business. A J.C. Penney nameplate is also -barely- visible in the background.
Photo from http://www.flickr.com / Raymond D. Woods, Jr.