Due to intense public opposition, Great Britain did not have a US-style, suburban shopping mall until the mid-1970s. BRENT CROSS CENTRE was the nation's first. 
Photo from http://www.brentcrosslondon.co.uk / Brent Cross Shopping Centre

In an early 1976 snapshot, we see a nameplate being attached to the up-and-coming John Lewis anchor store. It was to comprise 3 levels and include a balcony Wine Bar, in-store restaurant and Rooftop Garden.
Photo from http://www.johnlewismemorystore.org.uk / Jonathan Blachford

On the opposite end of the dumbell plan mall stood a Fenwick ["Fin-ik"] department store. Also housing 3 levels, it featured a beauty salon and Window of the World restaurant. At the time of its completion, the BRENT CROSS Fenwick was the second-largest store in the chain.
Photo from https://www.fenwick.co.uk / Fenwick, Limited